Home Clearing: More Than Meets The Eye
Home clearings are more than just burning sage.
And here is where we ruffle some feathers.
Does sage help? Of course!
Does Palo Santo help? Yes!
Does praying help? Yes, Yes and Yes!!
However energetically clearing a home is more than just burning sage and praying, those things are simply a part of the whole. A home is essentially a being, given life by the people who live inside of it and its belongings. Just imagine how beautiful and amazing we are as individuals.
We are complex conscious human beings with our thoughts, ideas and beliefs. Everyone’s lives are a direct manifestation of all of our choices, thoughts, ideas and beliefs. As time goes by we shift, change and grow and all this energy we carry and imprint in the place we live at, our apartments or homes.
Life is beautiful and not without its challenges — or as we like to call them opportunities — to learn and grow. All the good and “the bad”, all of it gets imprinted in your home.
Remember when you moved in and you were full of hope and excitement of starting anew?
Remember that time you went through that break up? (Or for some of us, a few of them.)
What about the times you got promoted and were excited and driven?
Also remember the time one of your children had a really gnarly fever?
Or what about when the whole family came over that one time and it was a beautiful disaster?
Just how your subconscious mind records all events, feelings and emotions, so does your home.
Even if you moved homes or apartments, you left that imprint there and started a new imprint at your new home.
Just like you, someone before you left their imprint there as well.
These are the times we do an energy clearing: when you are moving into a new place or leaving one. Also when you are feeling stagnant in life or after a traumatic event for the family such a divorce, separation or death of a loved one or a furry one.
For us it’s more than burning sage, because we are able to see the energy of each object, room and home individually and as a whole. We read the story or the energy, clearing what no longer serves you, leaving the good and even downloading the best and highest for you.
We use a technique called ThetaHealing to assist us with the clearings where we are able to have a direct connection with Source/Creator/The Universe to assist us, showing us the energy of the home, the story and the healing that needs to take place.
As we go through the home we are able to assess if there are also spirits, beings and/or entities attached that may need to be sent to the light.
Most don’t want to wish to send the spirits of their loved ones into the light because they feel they will go away forever. However, that is just a myth. As spirits, they are in the 4th Plane of Existence, but by sending them to the light they go into the 7th Plane of Existence where Source and Creator energy is, meaning that they are better able to protect you and guide you.
Anything else that does not belong at all gets sent to the light.
Any low vibrational energy in your home can debilitate your energy leaving you drained and possibly even stagnant in life. Most often we look at our home as a way to recharge, but what happens when our home is the one draining us?
As this becomes almost something un-noticeable or part of a new normal, you may find yourself less and less at home. Wanting to spend as much time away from home as possible.
We help you find the right balance for you and your family. Always downloading each room of the home with 4 basic energies; unconditional love, safety, relaxation and unity. Any other downloads are channeled based on the individual home and family or persons intentions. In a home clearing we tend to download anywhere from 100 to 300 energetic downloads, essentially leaving your home in harmony and high vibrational flow.
If you’d like information on home clearing, get in touch!