The Oracle

An Intuitive Consulting Service for businesses, consultants, freelancers, and self-employed with Beatriz & Jennifer.

Beatriz Blanco

Is an Intuitive Healer who found her path through her preferred healing modality, ThetaHealing in which she is now has a Master of Science.

Coming from humble beginnings Beatriz created My Path to Light, a heart based business, so she could offer healing sessions, seminars and products to help other healers develop their gifts, develop a meaningful spiritual practice and find success in their own businesses.


Jennifer Rodriguez

Is also an Intuitive Healer and Beatriz’s youngest daughter. As a child she exhibited natural gifts of intuition, clairvoyance and empath senses. Growing in a spiritual family gave her the advantage of these gift being nurtured, explored and expanded.

Today, Jennifer is a Master ThetaHealer & Master Health and Wellness Coach helping busy professionals manage their stress, improve their diets and their mental-wellbeing without compromising their big goals or ambitions.


Combined they have 20+ years of working with high level professionals supporting them with intuitive and spiritual counsel.

Are you looking for intutiive and spiritual suport for your business or projects?


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