Healing the Bond with Your Father


Making room for renewing experiences.

Father energy comes to teach us, to take care of us and to protect us, both when we are young and when we grow into adults. These figures become our role models in life. Yet, if we continue to miss the father who does not care for us, neglects us, communicates poorly or models bad behavior, an emotional dependence can form that we are unaware of. By healing one of the most important relationships in our lives, we can make it easier to enjoy life, have energy and start heading toward our true purpose. Resentment, rejection and regret are energies that drain you. They can make you feel burdened as they encourage you to constantly be living in the past. Bitterness and sadness can manifest if too much time passes without knowing comfort and ease in your life. The good news though - everything, absolutely everything, can be changed. Healing is for you. 

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become" - Carl Jung

By healing your relationship with your father, you will make an energetic change that will result in a domino effect, rippling throughout your mind, body, soul, environment and inter-personal relationships.

Ponder the following questions when working on the father-child relationship:

  • Who are you in relation to yourself? Who are you in relation to your father?

  • What is your relationship with authority? How do you see people who somehow represent authority?

  • What is your relationship with men in general like?

  • What is a romantic relationship to you?

  • How is your relationship with your teachers, bosses, manager or business partners?

  • Do you have subconscious beliefs about your father? Are you afraid to end of like him? Do you feel compelled to do the job your father couldn’t achieve?

  • Do you feel the motivation to move forward with projects and achieve success?

  • Do you feel undervalued or that opportunities are for someone else, but not for you?

What to expect in a “Healing the Bond with Your Father” ThetaHealing® session:

In a "Healing the Bond with Your Father" ThetaHealing® session, we will discuss situations that have affected you the most in your life. From there we will then move through a small meditation and guide you toward connecting with the Theta brain wave, a subtle state of relaxation in which you will connect with the quantum field. This field holds infinite possibilities such as going back in time to see exactly when and how situations were created. This can help to release trauma and identify the beliefs and programs that stayed in your subconscious mind.

Then we will remove all of the invisible vows, contracts, agreements, promises and loyalties that are at the root of your suffering. We will ask the Creator for the truth of what happened and why things unfolded in the way they did. This is so you can receive more details and insight into your father's attitudes and actions. 

Finally, an exercise in forgiveness will be made. To forgive, is not accepting the mistakes of others but instead will free you from emotional burdens that do not allow you to move forward. Through this session, you will regain the resources to develop as a person, achieve your independence and autonomy and connect with your self-esteem. You deserve to have respect, recognition, safety, protection and above all, love. Doing the work to heal the father-child will allow you to experience inner peace, empathy liberation and compassion. You will be able to enjoy emotional stability, healthier relationships and the ability to succeed in projects and goals.


Beatriz Blanco